If you or your firm would like to become an annual sponsor or sponsor an upcoming FAWL event, please contact us at ([email protected]).
Rise to the challenge! PBC FAWL is a 501(c)6 charitable organization. This organization prides itself on actively promoting gender equality and leadership roles of our members in the legal profession, judiciary and community at large, while upholding the highest standard of integrity, honor and courtesy in the legal profession, promoting reform in the law and facilitating the administration of justice. Our initiatives come at a cost and your support helps extend a hand to those in our legal community seeking mentoring, friendship and collegiality.
The Past Presidents of PBC FAWL are proud to maintain a mentoring program for a) young attorneys, b) attorneys changing career focuses, and c) those attorneys seeking Board Certification. Mentoring events are closed except to mentors and mentees and Past Presidents. This is a unique and priceless opportunity to our legal community. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Silver level will receive said benefits for that individual event sponsored
Sponsorship recognition in event invitation/save the date, program (if applicable), event advertisements, emails to
members regarding events, and social media posts regarding event sponsored
Recognition on website and in monthly e-newsletters to members
Recognition at Programming Luncheons (on Sponsor Board and with Sponsor Ribbon)
Recognition at Webinars and Virtual Meetings (verbal or via Sponsor Slide shown to attendees)
Recognition at Happy Hours and Networking Events (recognition on Sponsor Board)
Opportunity for swag distribution at all events, except Pariente Judicial Reception
© 2024 Florida Association for Women Lawyers Palm Beach Chapter